Wednesday, October 31, 2007
4 minutes!
Elizabeth will know that your family helped us to get her home!!!
Okay...we are all packed...I think.
Next stop....GUANGZHOU!!!
It's 7:54 A.M.
Of course Marty was shielded from the 856 things that had to be bought and packed into 5 suitcases. I wanted to take 6 but he put his foot down. If you are wondering why we need to take so much for 2 weeks in China...the answer is 2 weeks of baby supplies-not to mention a mini version of Target's baby department.
Oh yes, two weeks worth of diapers and wipes fill a good part of a suitcase...and then there is the back up formula in case we can't get it in China--most say we can but there have been some who have reported problems. My attitude toward packing is this..."if I MIGHT need it, why not take it?" The problem seems to be that Marty's attitude is "if you don't know that you will absolutely need it, why take it?" And unfortunately I have to count on him to carry some of this stuff.
Well, hopefully I won't need most of the supplies I am taking ...heck if I don't use the stuff I can open a mini-7-eleven in the hotel lobby!
Being the worrier that I am of course, I am convinced that the minute I get to China I will have realized that I forgot one item that I desperatately need. I know there will be something. I just don't know what it is yet.
The good news is that I was able to find a true "Cat Nurse" for my kitty kat Bodhi. She will be able to go to Marty's parents everyday to give him his medcine. She walked in the door last night and I thought she looked like an Angel! Bodhi is in great hands staying with his grandma and grandpa at his second home but he needs a trained kitty nurse to make sure he actually swallows his medicine.
Hopefully the medicine will take care of my first born's problem (yes I LOVE my cat!) and when we get home he will be all better and ready to meet his new little sister.
For those of you who don't know he is in all his Frank Sinatra blue eyed glory:
Bodhi has been pretty good training for having a baby. As a ragdoll he follows me all over the house, needs constant attention and causes tremendous parental concern and worry! However I have never had to change his diaper. Oh, and yes to those who are wondering..."I still haven't changed a diaper!" Except of course on the stuffed animal that our friend Kenya brought over and tried to teach me on! Let just say, it will be called, "learning on the job"
Off to do a "cross check" of my suitcases! Which leaves me to ask if anyone knows what the heck they mean when they stewardesses announces "cross check" as the plane gets ready to take off. Erica, maybe Eddie knows!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Two Words
Monday, October 29, 2007
48 Hours To Go Now
With 48 hours to go before Marty and I will have our baby girl in our arms it any wonder that "25 Miles" was playing in my head...
"Twenty-five miles from home, girl
My feet are hurtin' mighty bad
Now I've been walkin' for three days
And two lonely nights
You know that I'm hurtin' mighty bad
But I got a girl waitin' for me
That's gonna make this trip worthwhile
I got to keep on walkin'
Oh I got to walk on
Let me tell you, y'allI'm so tired
But I just can't lose my stride
I got fifteen miles to go now
And I can hear my babycallin' my name
It's as if, as though I'm standin' at her front door
And I can hear that doggone thing
Now I'll be so glad to see my baby
And hold her in my arms one more time
And when I kiss her (cheeks) I turn backward flip
And I forget about these feet of mine
I got to keep on walkin'
Oh I got to walk on
Let me tell you, y'allI'm so tired
But I just can't lose my stride
Yeah I got to walk on
Let me tell you, y'all
Hope my feet don't fail me now
I got five more miles to go
I got nine, eight, seven. six,
oh six, I got five more miles to go now
Over the hills just around the bend
Although my feet are tired I can't lose my stride
I got to get my baby back again
I got to keep on walkin' I got to walk on
Let me tell y'all I'm so tired now
But I just can't lose my stride
Oh, I got to walk on Let me tell you now I'm so tired
But I just can't lose my stride
I got to walk on"
Oh yes this journey of almost two years is finally taking us Elizabeth.
Those of you who have been with us throughout this journey know how many times we thought it would never happen, that we would never find her.
But we did.
And you know what....somehow now the saying, "the wait will be worth it" suddenly makes perfect sense.
We are happy that you are following us on our 16 day journey to Guangzhou to meet Elizabeth and bring her home.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Our Journey to Elizabeth

I started this blog today so that friends and family will have a way to follow our journey as Marty and I travel to get our dear daughter Elizabeth who is currently living in Jiangcheng Baby House in Southern China.
I realize that like so many things in my life...I should have started this blog months ago...probably years ago. We started the journey toward Elizabeth in November of 2005...and there is so much that we have learned along the way that--things about China, about adoption, about ourselves and about the world.
Hopefully however in the next few weeks I will be able to fill you in on the important thing and especially on our journey to Guangzhou (formerly Canton) China to get dear daughter Elizabeth.
The photo above is the first photo we received and shows Elizabeth at 6 months old.
Here is some of the basic information we know about our little girl:
Birthdate: January 15th 2007.
Chinese Name: Jiang, Chengqin (her first name is Chengqin-which means honest and dear)
Weight at one day old: 8.8 pounds
We were meant to be brought together with our little girl. And even though she was thousands of miles away, the universe pulled all it's string to unite us with our precious little girl.