The first thing I thought when I saw her all bundled up was, "Michelin Baby." She does bear an uncanny resemblence to the Michelin Man in this outfit, don't you think?
She also seems to be saying, "why the heck do you have me dressed in this outfit?"
Noteworthy to add that it was a frigid 60 degrees this morning which is about the equivalent of 45 degrees back East. We were at the hardware store last night and people were buying electric heaters and lots of firewood-- and they were all complaining about the cold-- maybe it got to the low 50's last night which is practically Arctic weather for Californians.
Having lived in New York City for 34 years I find it funny that I can't seem to remember at what point the heat would get turned on in our apartments. In NYC you don't really have much control over your heat when you live in an apartment--which most people in the city do. The "Supers" turn on the heat at some predetermined temperature, but I can't remember what that was. I am pretty sure, however, that it was well below 65 degrees.
I think for Elizabeth the bundling up when it "isn't exactly freezing" is pretty much in keeping with what she experienced in China. In China they "bundle" children in multiple layers even when the weather is warm. In fact when we were out with Elizabeth there were a number of times when a tiny piece of skin was peaking through her clothes, and inevitably someone would come by and cover her up! They should have seen her today. They would have been proud!
Michelin Baby

Michelin Man

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