Marty and I have an ongoing debate as to whether Elizabeth is a genius of not. I keep saying I have seen no such evidence and he keeps saying she is a genius.
Well, this morning Elizabeth proved she knows a heck of a lot more than I think she does--which is likely true for most kids!
I have been trying to teach Elizabeth some simple words and so far she has gotten --mama and lala (which we think is hello) but she still has a ways to go. This morning I said, "where is cat?" thinking she would look for Bodhi, but instead she pointed across the room to this stuffed animal (which by the way I have never even shown her-much less labeled as "cat"). I then said, "go get mama the cat" to which she obliged and walked across the room and brought me this little "cat". It probably helped that the stuffed animal does resemble Bodhi in coloring!
Okay, she is working her way to "genius" level. But I may be a little "non-objective" here!

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