I especially liked the dress since it cost all of about $8.99 at The Children's Place. You can find some adorable kiddie clothes at crazy low prices.
Of course Elizabeth can wear a burlap sack and look like a cutie pie.

So, Elizabeth had her first dental appointment last week and as might gather from this photo--it went swimmingly. She had zero cavities and managed to charm the entire office. She walked out with a boatload of toys and a cool Mr. Dentist tee shirt.

Here she is trying to put on socks...actually these are Marty's socks. She is especially interested in putting on socks that are at least 5 times to large for her

She is also fond of wearing shoes that are a little on the large size.

Oh, and her new favorite hobby and possible future profession is hair dressing. She has a unique technique as well. She uses her little sand shovel as a comb and insists that Marty sit in her special pink chair. Oh, she will have a load of clients, I can't tell.

Here is Jakey, Kaila's big brother, last week when we all went out for dinner. Jake was the perfect big brother and easily handled both Kaila and Elizabeth. Hmmmm....can we borrow him? And isn't he cute.

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