Here you see Gary and Marty oogling the merchandise in the Apple store--and it looks as if they might be influencing the little girls as well. There may be a "mac" in their future.

I have to work at making sure Elizabeth knows the difference between a "fountain" and a "bathtub". I think she gets it.

A group photo

Gary and Marty take the girls for a walk. Elizabeth is constantly begging Gary and Jan to pick her up. And if you are around be prepared for an aching back. This girl loves to be carried. It probably has a little to do with the fact that from carrying her around so much, mama has developed sciatica--which pretty much prohibits me from carrying her. Although she has always been a social butterfly and loves and I means loves attention.

Elizabeth and Kayla are so adorable when they are together. They have so much fun jumping around and giggling together.

Once again, Elizabeth has convinced Jan that carrying her around is the thing to do.

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