The food was incredible and Elizabeth managed to eat all of it. She had a adult sized serving of salmon, some fritatta and then gobbled down the apple french toast. I think she thought it was all cooked for her.
As you can see she seems to be slimming down from her chubsy baby self--which I suppose is a good thing but I still think chubby babies are the cutest things! She is still a good eater but has definitely gotten more picky and unlike in the past, she actually now refuses to eat more often than I would like.
I am always concerned she is getting enough vitamins, calcium, etc. but she seems to be doing pretty well (knock on wood). And I have settled down a bit in that I no longer calculate her calories, calcium and vitamin C consumption on a daily basis. A few of my friends thought that was kooky but I didn't know how the heck to figure out if she was getting enough of the right foods everyday.
And she does seem to have a ready supply of energy...and you can see here that she had a terrific time with Ben who taught her how to juggle--well sort of. Ben was impressed at how fast she got the juggling concept down and she was so taken with Ben that I thought she was going to demand that he come home with us!

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