I do regret not getting more photos of Elizabeth and her friends. And there are a couple of the girls that I didn't even get a photo of on the White Couch. We will have to do it again.
All in all the party was great fun. Although I have to admit that I messed up on a few things. I realized that I forgot to put all the juice boxes out for the kids to drink so I have no idea what those poor little darlings were drinking all afternoon. And there were a few kids who didn't get their goodie bags because I was so distracted--of course they will have to be personally delivered! And then there was the sad fact that I just couldn't get to visit with everyone that I wanted to. I likened it to a wedding where you have all of these people that you want to spend time with but are lucky if you get to say hello.
However, in the end, it was all fine and I think most everyone had a good time. And guess what? I can't wait till next year's party. Oh, and I will be sure and put those juice boxes out!
Here is Elizabeth in all of her birthday glory....

Okay, so I had to throw in a photo of some of the food since it turned out that everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Here is Mei Mei (Maria) looking so cute in her Chinese red outfit. She wins the prize for best Chinese outfit!

Here are Kenya and Charlotte--like mother, like daughter-both pretty as a picture. And when you see Charlotte you just can't resist the urge to hold her--although she isn't too fond of being out of mama's arms!

Here is Hope playing with Elizabeth's toy tuba. That is a tuba isn't it. I called it a trumpet but realized that wasn't right. In any case, all the kids loved this little instrument.

Here she is with Joanne...don't they look so cute together! And we were lucky that Joanne helped us with a lot of the Chinese New Year decorations. And in the future we hope she can help Elizabeth once she starts to learn Mandarin.

Here are a couple of photos of Elizabeth with her grandma and grandpa--whom she affectionately calls "uma" and "umpa".

A few photos of Elizabeth in her "party" dress. It really was the quintessential party dress. Oh, and the patent leather shoes were such a hit with her, that she has decided she will be wearing them "all the time". That means even to the playground when we are playing in the dirt. Have you ever tried to tell a two year old that she cannot wear her black patent leather shoes to the playground? It isn't pretty I assure you.

Here are the girls looking at their red envelopes.

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