Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mandarin Class

On Saturdays, Elizabeth heads off to the Lango school in Irvine with her buddy Mei Mei to learn Mandarin. She has a blast with the teacher and her well devised techniques of teaching--she makes it fun.

So, has Elizabeth learned any Mandarin? Well, in four weeks so far, I don't think so. But, the important thing is that she is getting an ear for the language--as am I. I don't really plan on having her do too much studying of the language until she gets English under her belt. After that I would love it if she and I could learn at least enough to find a few restaurants and bathrooms in China. Marty hasn't expressed much interest and thinks I am a little crazy--but just wait until Elizabeth and I start becoming fluent. (and what century might that be?).

And here are a couple of photos of E posing in her glasses..

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