Friday, November 7, 2008


So I am just a tad late in posting pictures from Halloween. I have a lot of things to post but have not been spending a lot of time at the computer owing to my aging and currently very vocal back. Marty was kind enough to tell me that it is nature's way of explaining that one should have a 21 month old when one is under 35-- preferably. Oh well...Elizabeth is so adorable I can put up with an aching back.

Halloween found us up in Los Angeles at her eye doctor (more on that later) so we didn't think she was up to trick or treating. Besides that if I let her knock on the neighbor's doors and get candy then I would have a daily battle keeping her from trying to knock on everyone's door when we take our walks. Next year she should be able to get the concept.

She did however have a lovely Halloween shirt and got to spend time with her Grandparent's on Halloween as you can see from the photos she had a lot of fun.

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