Monday, April 20, 2009

Time Goes By...

Yes it has been a while since I have updated Elizabeth's blog. I can tell you that it is not for lack of activity around these parts. And, I am often writing the blog in my head as the days go on--the problem is I keep wanting to add the photos after they have been retouched and to spend a little more time on my prose. And then, alas, life gets in the way and time runs out. I am reminded of the thought about a thousand good intentions are worth less than one small act. So, while there is lots more to say and in all likelihood I could do it more eloquently had I more time--I will do my best and at the very least, I will post something a little more often.

Also, I realized that Elizabeth has been home for about a year and a half now--so it is high time we started a new blog since we are past the Journey TO Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's new blog is:

Just type in the above url and she should be there. See you there!

Oh, and thank you for sharing this amazing journey with us--it wouldn't be the same without you.

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