Here is a video of Elizabeth and her ice cream cone. Before you think I am cruel for trying to take it away from her...I can assure you that this baby has more than a touch of lactose intolerence.
After her ice cream cone Elizabeth went to bed and proceeded to awaken at midnight and was up (along with mama) until almost 4 a.m. I really paid the price for her little daliance with that cone. And as it turns out Marty has been pretty ill with a stomach virus--so now I am not sure if Elizabeth has the stomach flu or just the standard lactose intolerence symptoms. I am really hoping for the latter.
Can you say stupid mama?
No more ice cream or chocolate for Elizabeth.
No Way.
P.S. If you look at the post just before this one you will see that she did get her cone back after all. Unfortunately, however, I don't think chocolate agrees with her either. Opps.
Don't mess with a girl's chocolate...here you see Elizabeth did get the rest of her ice cream cone back.