Another benefit to having Sandy around is that she does a spectacular job of trimming Elizabeth's fingernails and toenails--something I have failed miserably at. I am so darn afraid of cutting her skin that I barely get any of her nail when I am trying to trim them. Those of you who have been injured while playing with Elizabeth will appreciate this new feature.

Here is Elizabeth looking quite the toddler watching one of her favorite shows. She is learning "sit don't stand" when it comes the the couch. But you still need to be eagle eyes around her--as you might imagine, once you take your eyes off of her--there she goes flying head first off the couch.

She is picking up some style tips here...oh, and don't ever leave your sunglasses lying around if you want to see them again. Elizabeth's theory on everything that exists is this--"if I can get my hands on it--it's mine!"

Vogue--here is your next cover girl!

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