Elizabeth was so taken with this book The Arthritis Cure, she carries it everywhere. What can I say? When you have parents old enough to be your grandparents you learn some things earlier than most kids! Did I hear someone say, "medical school?"
Oh, and as for the tummy ache...it was the stomach flu. Or shall I say "still is" the stomach flu or something like it. Yep she got it from Dada it seems. I even managed to get it and sorry to say the babysitter went home sick to her stomach on Friday. We even have neighbors who are sick! Yikes.
Poor Elizabeth woke up Friday night crying and I wasn't sure if her tummy hurt or not so I indulged her and let her stay up--that was at 4 a.m. Needless to say, Saturday was a blur.
Considering how miserable Marty was when he had this thing, Elizabeth has been in pretty darn good spirits.
She is so cute when she wakes up in the middle of the night. Even when I am exhausted I have to laugh when I go in to check on her. The minute she sees me she sits up, looks down at her crib and waves and says "bye bye"--once I pick her up she looks down at the crib and says, "bye bye".
She pretty much says bye bye all the time now. It comes in handy as she lets us know when she is ready to stop doing something or to leave somewhere. It was also pretty cute when I took her to the doctor the other day for a shot--we walked in and she took one look at the nurse whom she knows as the one who administers the shots and cried and said , "bye bye" and turned to walk out the door. Everyone in the waiting room got a kick out of it.
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