Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Reflections

So Elizabeth decided to usher in Mother's Day last night by waking at midnight and not heading back to a deep sleep until about 4 a.m. I think it had something to do with the frozen yogurt I let her eat last night...but who knows.

So I sleepwalked through most of the day but it still find sort of surreal and odd. I suppose when you go through 47 years not being a mom on mother's day it isn't too surprising that everytime someone said "Happy Mother's Day" to me I looked behind me to see who they might be talking to.

But a mama I am. And to the most beautiful little pumpkin I could imagine. And I am so touched by the cards and flowers and phone calls from friends and family who wanted to say "Happy 1st Mother's Day". I certainly didn't expect it and it was really quite sweet.

I hope everyone had a wonderful mother's day. And if your mom is still here I hope you gave her a great big hug today. And if like me, you mom is no longer with you physically--I hope that your memories of your time with her give you more joy than sadness on this day. For me still, Mother's Day can be a little rough. It makes me think about the movie Shadowlands, when Anthony Hopkins talks about how..."the sadness today comes as a result of the happiness you had yesterday."

How true.

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