Thursday, November 8, 2007

Another Day in Guangzhou

Okay...we got through another day. And I have not had one second to post. Mostly owing to the fact that Elizabeth sees herself and me as opposing pieces of velcro and I literally cannot even go to the bathroom without her wailing.

She loves Marty too but for some reason she will only stay with him alone if he is carrying her. Sitting with her on his lap is not enough. He has to walk this 23 plus pound baby around.
Tonight he said to me, "I have never felt such pain like this in my shoulder". Oh yes, she is taking her toll on us. But of course, we wouldn't have it any other way.

Because I literally exhausted I will post some of the highlights ( or lowlights as you might call them) of the day here in short blurbs. I have no energy to try and put long thoughts together in any coherent way.

Synoposis of sorts of today:

1. We learned Elizabeth defies laws of babyhood and DOES NOT NAP. "The Baby Never Sleeps".

2. We tried to wear her down...but wore ourselves out. She was going strong till 9 pm

3. I who prided myself on only feeding Elizabeth her Chinese diet so as to not encounter stomach problems ....somehow had a lapse in judgement and fed her herbal tea that they "said" she drank in the orphanage.

4. The tea caused her to have a bathroom experience that could best be described as Solent Green on Steroids. Marty nearly passed out.

5. Marty for some reason was the target of choice today when Elizabeth peed through her diaper --actually I think the diapers were too big. I put on a bigger size when I thought the smaller size was hurting her skin. First time parent thing is dangerous stuff! She also chose Marty as the target for 2 vomit attacks. Sorry for the graphic nature of all this.

6. Marty had to change clothes 4 times today.

7. Elizabeth's cold seems to be getting better. I opted not to give her they mystery medicines.

8. As Marty says "Elizabeth is a lot better and more experienced at being a good baby then we are at being good parents."

9. We skipped the group sightseeing tour today and dinner tonight as we realized we are in "survival mode" at this point. We will see what tomorrow brings.

10. Elizabeth is absolutely the baby meant for us. I knew that I had to keep waiting for her...she is utterly magical.

11. If we havent' called as promised or written to you personally it is because we are so "in over our heads" at the moment.

12. Any mother who stays home with their children and is told she "doesn't work" ....should bop who ever says that on the head. Even during the days when I was working major overtime at my job--it was never like this. At least I could take a coffee break.

13. We know it will get better. We just have to get into a routine.

14. It is so much harder in a foreign country. I keep thinking to myself..."why do so few people here speak English!!!" Oh, yeah, I forgot--it's China.

15. As crazy as it has been these last days, I know that I will look back with great nostalgia at these days. I think about what a Philosphy professor I had in college used to say, "live life for the intensity of experience". Well, this experience has been nothing if not intense.

16. We love Elizabeth.

17. Going to sleep now!

1 comment:

drkelly said...

You two have me in stitches!
She is an ANGEL-Maggie had a "sleep disorder" too!
Sleep while you can!
Can't wait to meet her in person!