However I can still post but if things look odd it is because I can't really see how they show up.
Oh and speaking of updates. I mentioned in an earlier post that I was so relieved that Bodhi got his own personal kitty nurse. Well, guess what? Bodhi fired the nurse. Oh yeah. She had to sort of hold him down and force his jaw open --well, he let her do that once. After that my sweet little kitty decided to turn into a wild tiger cat and pretty much chased her out of the house. I had to call her and tell her that it probably wasn't a good idea for her to come back. She sounded quite relieved.
So Bodhi is a smart little dude of a cat. He has his routine down. Mess with him and he let you know about it. The vet says smart cats develop this skill and it is really a survival mechanism. He doesn't know that the vet is trying to help him. All he knows're messing with him.
The good news is that he is happily settled down at his grandparents' house and seems to be feeling better (knock wood)--he is probably so relieved to be there since the last week at home was a little chaotic with baby furniture and high chairs and all sorts of luggage flying around the house. Poor kitty had his equilibrium thrown off.
Oh, and of course Bo thinks all the baby things are for you can see here

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