This is just part of the wardrobe I packed for Elizabeth. I think I overdid it. I realized that I packed 36 tops and 18 pairs of pants, 2 dresses and 4 outfits. Not including sleepwear. Elizabeth definitely has more clothes than either me or Marty already...
1 comment:
Be sure to take advantage of the cheap wonderful clothing you will find around your hotel. Maggie LOVES her traditional Mandarin outfits (silk-$3 each!) and sometimes uses them for comfort when she has an occasional sad spell (she slept in one dress one night...) It is fun to pack away for when she is older. I also purchased a "traditional" outfit of her region (Cantonese). Word of advice the more you try to walk away from vendors, the lower the prices get there is no price tag in China-only what you negotiate! There are wonderful items to get as keepsakes like a name chop with her chinese name symbol on it, etc.
My husband tried to keep a short leash on my spending while we were there but I wish I would have brought home more! Of course, lead was not an issue back, then at least that we knew....
You will want to venture out a little more when you bring her back to the hotel and she settles in. The distractions will be good for all of you. I always felt VERY safe while we were there, even in the poorest of sections. The penalties are stiff for criminals...but we were stared at quite a bit. Most people smiled and told us how beautiful Maggie was and "What a lucky girl" she was!
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