Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Frantic crying and frayed nerves

Elizabeth is a little dreamboat...cute as a button and full of personality. She also has the ability to go from a full tilt crying jag into uproarious laughter in a matter of seconds--which I find rather curious.

Today Elizabeth and I went on our second solo outing to Gelsons, the gas station and to RiteAid. All was going swimmingly until our 20 minute ride back home when dear Miss E decided to meltdown on me for really the first time ever. She was in her rear facing car seat--screaming, crying and finally hyperventilating--so much so that I had to pull over and comfort her.

This was the first time she cried so hard and for so long. I am not sure why all of a sudden she flipped out but she did. I had to drive the 20 minute drive home in 5 minute increments because everytime I put her back in the car seat she went into a hyperventilating crying jag. My nerves are not designed to be able to endure her crying so frantically for minutes on end so long. It is especially hard when I can't see her--my imagination is overly active and if I can't see hear and I hear her wailing I only imagine she is choking on something she found in the car or that she is caught in her car seat strap strangling--or who knows what.

After about an hour of stress and stopping every five minutes to console Elizabeth, we finally got home, and the minute we walked in the door Elizabeth burst into laughter. I, on the other hand, contemplated hard liquor--even though I don't even drink! Pass the whiskey please.

Note for the day: Being a full time parent takes more endurance than ANY job I have ever had. I know I have said that before but it really bears repeating.

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