Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Necessity is the mother of invention

We told you Elizabeth "loves to eat". We also have her on the same diet she was on in the China for a couple of reasons. Firstly the peditrician back home said it was best to keep her on that so that she doesn't encounter gastrointestinal problems while we are away. Good advice...we have enough problems. And secondly, the transition has been so extreme that it is best to transition her slowly where we can.
The challenge is that in the orphanage they were feeding her formula only--they do that with all the kids--even those up to two years old with full sets of teeth!
In any case 6 or more bottle feedings a day gets tedious and between diaper changing, tickle fests, and playtime--it leaves us little time to do anything else. So what is a girl to do?

The pillow "prop". I grabbed a pillow from the couch ( the interior decorator would be horrified) and propped up Elizabeth's bottle. She loves it. Now mind you we only do that once in a while since I think the feeding and bonding experience is important. But I am not worried about that since we have velcroed together since November 5th at about 4 P.M.

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