This is the buidling we face right outside our room...

This is the traffic beneath us..Marty woke from his nap saying, "can you tell them to stop honking their horns"
The Convention center across the street. Our hotel is The China Hotel-A Marriott with lots of businessmen staying here

Marty at the computer

Did I mention that the room was cold enough to hang meat in when we got here...it took 4 hours of shivering and having the heat on to cool it down--they must have had the air conditioning on for days at full speed! Go figure-- in a town where the average temperature is 90 degrees.
We stayed at the China Hotel, too. Loved the dinner buffet there although it is expensive. I was starving for American food and the buffet was just like being at home ... even had American desserts!
There was a big shopping mall on the other side of the McDonalds ... don't know if you've found it yet. I think it is in the top of the hotel that is just down the street from Mickey D's. They have all the typical adopting parent items to purchase.
Have fun!
Martha C. (from your JC yahoo group)
I am jealous! I remember our trip fondly although at the time we were too nervous to enjoy it! When is Gotcha day? I can't wait to here more updates! Why aren't you guys up yet? It is already 5am your time, hee hee...
You will find that you will not use half of what you brought but I was over prepared too.
Sorry Bohdi tried to eat his kitty-nurse. We will be on stand-by with large gloves and good drugs!
Dr. Kelly
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