With limited time and energy at the moment I will try to outline the details of the day.
1. Marty and I survive insane trip to outdoor pedestrian mall in China and actually buy a stroller and Chinese baby formula.
Note: Chinese saleswomen think it is entirely appropriate to lift your baby out of her stoller and start walking away with her.
2. We survive group trip to Police Department where we all apply for babies' Chinese passport.
3. I think Elizabeth may have a cold.
4. Upon arriving back from police station I decide Elizabeth must see a doctor.
5. China Team takes us to local doctor.
6. Doctor's office looks like a storage facility for old rags.
7. I panic.
8. Elizabeth proceeds to throw up all over said lady doctor.
9. Lady doctor says "nothing serious" gives her cold medicine that has been recalled in U.S.
10. Doctor bill for Elizabeth's visit is $8.15--including three bottles of medicine.
11. I decide if I have to take Elizabeth to doctor again we are going to Western American Clinich.
12. I assume lady doctor we saw can tell difference between common cold and bronchitis or pnemonia and decide not to worry too much.
13. Elizabeth has her first major bathroom experience with 5 minutes of leaving doctor.
14. It takes Marty and I 35 minutes of baby wailing to figure out diaper is the problem
15. A baby shouldn't wait 3 days to go #2. The results can be, how shall I say, intense.
16. After 2 nights of little sleep Marty is starting to look a little like a cross country truck driver working major overtime-not to mention myself.
16. Marty and I have to try to better incorporate the phrase, "grace under pressure" into our live.
Ay carumba.
I will post more photos in the a.m.
Ah, yes, the Chinese doctors...
We had to see one when Maggie was stung by something at one of the many temples we visited-she came to our hotel room though so not the same experience as getting to go to a clinic.
You have been officially initiated into PARENTHOOD! Congratulations!
They just don't come with an set of instructions... (something I will speak to God about, eventually...)
Hang in there! It may get a little worse before it improves but rally your troops and don't let it beat you. You are in a strange land with a baby who is just getting used to the idea that she may be staying with you forever. Be sure to cut yourselves a little slack, hug that beautiful baby and smile!
I almost could not get beyond point number one. Sounds as though you have a book in the making.
Grace under pressure reminds me of one of my sayings: “It is always too soon to panic.”
I love your instinct regarding getting Elizabeth to a physician. Mommies always know best. Just take extra care if you hear any noises in her chest or if she gets a fever. Other than that, she’s in good shape.
Thirty five minutes of crying at ten months: Always one or more of the following: “Change me.” “Feed me.” “Burp me.” “I’m scared … hold me.”
At two years of age, add: “You suck; I am assuming command around here.”
Note: The cough med ban has to do with parents (probably on drugs themselves) over-dosing smallish-for-their-age children. At 23 pounds, that is not an issue with Elizabeth as long as you use common sense.
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