Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sore throats and Bad Air

Woke up last night with a sore throat like I have never had before--like my throat was on fire. I thought Oh shikes...this is is--some wierd from of strep throat that will land me in Guangzhou general. I tried to follow Marty's advice and think "it will be better in the morning".....but it was hard to get back to sleep.

The good news is that it is a bit better and not as burning....I may make it after all. Marty is battling a cold as well--and there is just something about China where it seems 75% of the people here walk around with colds or flu. And visitors seem to hover around the 90% mark.

I missed my opportunity to go to the "designer rip off" bargain market with Sarah who was going to be my personal guide. Alas, I figured I had better nurse this ailment since there is way more than a fake Chanel bag at stake here. Besides, now I don't have to feel guilty about trademark infringement.

Oh and the air today outside is lousy lousy lousy. It is like a dense fog over the city--and the smell of smoke. I woke also last night to the thought the hotel was on fire. I decided not to share that with Marty since he has enough to worry about.

We are off today to the ceremony at the American Consulate where we take an oath and promise something but I don't remember what that is. I will fill you in when we get back.

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